Menzies Aviation – 3M X 4M 10t Platform Scale and Ramps

Increased Accuracy for Baggage Weighing

Working in conjunction with our partner NWI Fabrication, we designed, engineered, and developed a customized platform scale for Menzies Aviation.

The project was designed to allow the Menzies team to weigh their baggage carts quickly and accurately.

Taking portability into account NWI Fabrication designed the ramps and overall structure to withstand the incoming force of 10t without securing the structure to the ground.

The resulting effects allow Menzies Aviation to better serve their team and consolidate their baggage efforts which in turn better serve their customers.


Here to help

That’s one of the benefits of choosing a NWI Group system. Customers can start with a basic set-up which can be easily modified or upgraded to suit their evolving requirements.